Mastering the Art of the Morning Routine
Parenting is a full-time job with no weekends off, and it starts bright and early every morning. Whether you're a new parent or have been at it for a while, establishing a morning routine for yourself and your kids can set a positive tone for the rest of the day. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of having a structured morning routine and offer some pro tips to help you create a morning ritual that works for your family.
The Importance of a Morning Parenting Routine
1. Stress Reduction:
Mornings can be hectic, especially when you're responsible for getting everyone ready for the day and out the door. A well-planned morning routine can help reduce stress by providing a sense of order and predictability. Kids thrive on this! While your kids have little control over their day to day lives, knowing what they can expect during the first few moments of the day provides a sense of security and control over their environment.
2. Time Management:
Let's face it, there's a LOT to juggle in the morning. From making breakfast to packing lunches and getting everyone dressed, it can be overwhelming. A systematic approach to your mornings can help you manage your time more effectively, ensuring that you are available to be present with your kids before the shuffle begins for the day.
3. Quality Time:
A morning routine allows you to spend quality time with your littles before the hustle and bustle of the day takes over. These moments can strengthen your bond and set a positive tone for your child's entire day.
4. Teaching Responsibility:
By involving your children in your morning routine, you can teach them valuable life skills, such as dressing themselves, making their beds, or helping with simple chores.
5. Consistency:
Children thrive on routine and predictability!! This is a point I can't stress enough. A special but consistent morning routine can help establish a sense of security and stability in their lives that will make new experiences, transitions and changes a whole lot easier.
Creating Your Morning Routine
1. Wake Up Early:
Start your day a bit earlier than your children to have some quiet time for yourself. Use this time to enjoy a cup of coffee, meditate, or simply prepare for the day ahead. I like to pack all the stuff the kids will need for the day during this time. For us, this is usually a grocery box filled with sunscreen, water, snacks, lunch boxes, and backpacks. I almost always throw in an extra change of clothes for each kid, just in case.
2. Plan the Night Before:
If the mornings are a struggle and it seems like there's just not enough time to fit it all in, that's ok! Prepare as much as you can the night before. Lay out clothes, pack lunches, and ensure that bags and backpacks are ready to go. This can save precious time in the morning and free you up to be present and ready for connection with your kids.
3. Involve Your Children:
Depending on their age, involve your children in age-appropriate tasks. Toddlers can help pick out their clothes, while older children can make their beds or set the table for breakfast. The more independence you can foster at an early age, the easier these mornings will be as they get bigger.
4. Healthy Breakfast:
Ensure that your morning routine includes time for a nutritious breakfast for everyone. A well-balanced meal provides the energy needed to start the day on the right foot. I highly recommend that you eat all together at the table for breakfast. Even if you're just having your coffee, carve out this time to connect with your kids.
5. Review the Schedule:
While you're eating, review the schedule for the day with your kids. Verbalizing what's on the agenda for the day reinforces this idea of predictability and security. If you're going somewhere new, talk about what your kids might expect when you get there. If there's wiggle room in your schedule, offer your kids a choice to give them a stronger sense of control. For example, would you like to go to the park after school? Or would you rather play bubbles in the backyard?
6. No Screens:
At our house, the table is a tech-free zone, always. This includes grown ups. Not only does this allow for more meaningful interactions, but its much easier to get the kids to sit and eat, and then get going and out the door when they're done. If your kids have trouble sitting at the table for long, sit with them and talk, tell stories, or make up games while they're eating. And give it a little time... the more you practice, the easier it will get.
7. Time Outside:
The morning is my favorite time of day to be outside. If you have access to an outdoor space or backyard, it's worth getting the kids ready a few minutes ahead of schedule to get them out there! This is hugely beneficial for them, even if it's only for a few minutes. If you have an outdoor dining situation set up (or even if you don't), eating breakfast together outside can be really fun, and create opportunities for you to be present before the day gets going.
8. Positive Reinforcement:
Encourage and praise your children for completing their tasks and cooperating during the morning routine. Positive reinforcement can make all the difference. I really like using a sticker chart, and ours is super simple. At our house, we have a big piece of paper on the wall (painters tape ftw!!) and every time there's we notice our 4 year old being helpful with the morning routine, loving to his brother, or generally just a great kid, he can add a sticker to the chart. It can go anywhere, and he can put it on himself. When the paper is filled with stickers, he can choose a fun outing for us to do as a family (like a new hike, a trip to a special park, or a special dinner).
9. Flexibility and Patience:
While routines are essential, remember to be flexible. Be patient with yourself and with your kids. Some mornings are just HARD! Some mornings may not go as planned. I'm here to tell you that its okay. We have all been there. I know you're doing your best, and for your kids that will ALWAYS be enough.
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